Connecting Canadians

Canadian Telecom SummitThis week, I’ll take a little time to explore some of the panel discussions coming to The 2011 Canadian Telecom Summit.

One of the sessions on the morning of May 31 takes an in-depth look at Connecting Canadians: Delivering broadband to all. It is a panel that is especially relevant given the regulatory policy released last week on the Obligation to Serve andĀ the CRTC’sĀ universal minimum broadband speed targets.

CTS11 Sponsors

The panel will look at rural and urban broadband development and the adoption of ICTs by Canadians. It features

  • SaskTel President & CEO Ron Styles
  • Barrett Xplore CEO John Maduri
  • FTTH Council President Dan O’Connell
  • Bell Canada VP Jonathan Daniels
  • ITAC President & CEO Bernard Courtois

With this range of perspectives, guided by moderator Michael Tanglao, the panel will be able to explore the challenges and opportunities with increasing the availability and adoption of ICTs in Canada as we transform to a more digital economy.

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