A different Super Bowl week

For the communications industry, it was a wild run up to yesterday’s game.

Between the uproar over the application of usage based billing to some wholesale internet accesses and the Federal Court ruling on Globalive, there was a completely different focus on the CRTC from that which usually dominates the week leading up to the Super Bowl.

As I mentioned last week, most years, the media run stories about why Canadians don’t have access to the multi-zillion dollar commercials that run south of the border. The CRTC hearings into Bell’s acquisition of CTV had trouble getting any attention. After the opening round of remarks for that proceeding, I didn’t get a chance to listen into the webcast.

After all of the media interviews last week on UBB [such as Newstalk radio, FP Podcast, Globe Online Chat], it would be nice if this week gets back to normal. 

Still, it shows the passion associated with communications policy and regulation in Canada. It may be the reason that our regulatory panel has been an annual highlight of The Canadian Telecom Summit. We should fnd a few issues to talk about this year.

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