Yesterday, the CRTC delivered its new rules of procedure, which can be considered to be a guidebook for participation in broadcasting and telecom regulatory processes [press release, full ruling]
3. In recognition of the significant changes in the industries it regulates and in the technology available to conduct its proceedings, the Commission initiated a public proceeding to establish the new Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure (the Rules of Procedure). The objectives of the Rules of Procedure are to:
- enable informed and effective public participation in Commission proceedings;
- ensure the efficient, transparent and predictable conduct of Commission proceedings;
- eliminate unnecessary costs and delays in the regulatory process; and
- provide a comprehensive set of rules applicable in most Commission proceedings, while maintaining the flexibility necessary to address the specific circumstances of each proceeding.
The detailed manual is a readable, step-by-step guide to participation in regulatory proceedings. As you assemble various toys over the holidays, think of the instruction manuals. CRTC 2010-959 is like an IKEA guide without the pictures.
And hopefully, you won’t end up with any little pieces left over.
Enjoy the holiday reading. I’ll see you back here in the New Year!