Join the crowd

On Tuesday, I wrote about Canada’s Digital Compass, a crowd-source website launched by PricewaterhouseCoopers to solicit a broader perspective on questions and ideas to guide the development of a national digital strategy.

The first week’s call asks for ideas about technology focus: What technological innovation or technology focus could earn Canada the role as global leader? As of the time of writing this, 8 submissions have been made (including a particularly insightful one proposing a focus on solving the rural and remote divide. Necessity being the mother and all that…).

So far, only 18 users have actually registered, and many of them are associated with the building or operation of the website. Hardly a crowd. What is inhibiting participation? Is the requirement to register and obtain a user ID in order to join the discussion acting as an inhibitor?

Log-in. Join the discussion.

The 2010 Canadian Telecom Summit will feature panels looking at International Perspectives on ICT Strategies and progress on the development of Canada’s National Digital strategy. Think of the event as a live crowd-sourcing festival. This year’s event opens just 10 weeks from Monday.

Have you registered yet?

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