Crash landing

CarboniteI suspect I was long overdue for a system crash. In the more than 27 years that I have been a PC user, I have never had a major system crash – until yesterday at noon.

I dutifully did weekly back-ups and daily protection for critical files. For two years now, I have used a continuous on-line back-up service called Carbonite and it was a lifesaver.

As a result of its easy on-line access, I was back on the air in less than 20 minutes – pressing my laptop into service. It will likely take the weekend to download most of my files. There are 40GB in the back-up. I suspect that I will have lost a few pieces that are in progress and had not yet been backed up.

If I don’t reply to your recent email, please write me again – I didn’t mean to ignore you.

Let me recommend to all of you that you keep your back-ups current and brush your teeth after every meal.

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