Wireless net neutrality

Continuous ComputingTelephony Online has an article about the availability of a portfolio of deep packet inspection products and services from Continuous Computing targeted at the mobile industry.

There was a quote from CTO Mike Coward that caught my eye and defines the essence of why DPI technologies are being considered by mobile service providers:

Everywhere else in the network, you can throw more bandwidth at the problem. You can lay more fiber and convert from 1 Gb/s to 10 Gig, but you can’t make more spectrum.

The CRTC is looking at network management practices of ISPs in the context of its Public Notice 2008-19.

Will thoughts turn to mobile internet in the course of comments that are due to be filed next week?

We have a special session looking at net neutrality issues at The 2009 Canadian Telecom Summit, taking place in June in Toronto. Early bird registration rates are available until the end of February. Have you registered yet?

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