Four principles of regulation

In a speech delivered yesterday to the Canadian Film and Television Production Association, CRTC chair Konrad von Finckenstein reiterated the four principles that guide the work of the Commission: transparency, fairness, predictability and timeliness.

On predictability, he said:

We should be consistent, and follow clearly articulated directions. Or, if we deviate from these directions, we have to explain why – that is, what drove us to the departure, and whether it is an exception or a change of course.

He closed his speech with a statement of his view of the hallmarks of Canadian broadcasting: a preponderance of Canadian content; access to the system for Canadians both as participants and audiences; reflecting the bilingual character of our country; and our unique diversity.

I think it will be important for participants in the new media proceeding to reflect on their proposals in view of these principles and hallmarks. Perhaps the best indicator of predictable success would be to assess how well the proposals align with these 8 points.

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