Momentum building for digital strategy

Tech Media ReportsTech Media Reports is writing about the calls from National Film Board and the CRTC for the development of a national digital strategy, about which I wrote last week. I am quoted in the article.

The article talks about what is going on in other countries:

In January Britain released its national digital strategy. Dubbed Digital Britain, the strategy lays a path for Britain to revamp its knowledge-based economy. Its key objectives aim at upgrading infrastructure, creating dynamism in investment, creating content specifically for Britain, a fair and universal accessibility to digital and developing infrastructure and skills.

Last fall, France released its strategy called France Numerique 2012. Loaded with more than 150 recommendations, the strategy is designed to restore growth and modernize France. It also aims to increase broadband accessibility to all French citizens by 2012 at affordable rates—less than US$46 per month. New Zealand’s Digital Strategy, was also released last fall and contains provisions to boost the economy, create sustainability and vibrant communities.

Will Canada take up the challenge of developing our own vision of how to stake out the country’s place in the knowledge economy?

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