Digital literacy training

Will online digital literacy training drive increased digital inclusivity?

As I mentioned last month, Alberta launched free digital literacy training. I thought it might be worthwhile to take a closer look at what the courses look like.

Training is available online in English and in French – at no charge. It has two streams: beginner, and intermediate. The beginner stream has 10 modules; there are 9 modules in the intermediate stream. Each course module is designed to be completed in 30 minutes or less.

Alberta’s digital literacy training program was developed with support from the federal Skills for Success program. That could explain why the online program appears to be open to all, including non-residents of Alberta.

The lessons are designed to be practical, focusing on skills that every internet user should have.

Alberta Digital Literacy Program
Beginner Stream Topics Intermediate Stream Topics
What is a Computer and How Does It Work? How do I know if what I’ve found is good information?
What is the Internet? What is Netiquette?
How Do I Connect to the Internet? What is a Digital Footprint?
How Do I Get Around the Internet? How do I keep myself safe online?
How Do I Find Information? How can I find apply for work online?
How Do I Interact Online? How can I use the internet to learn?
How Do I Save Things I Find on the Internet? How do I shop online?
What is Cybersecurity? How do I access services online?
What Information Should I Share Online? Is social media right for me?
What Are the Ways I Can Use the Internet to Communicate?

Last summer, I wrote that digital inclusion needs more than just money. Building broadband access is only part of solution for digital inclusion. We need to understand the non-price factors inhibiting people from connecting to broadband services. And then, we need to solve those factors.

The Alberta Digital Literacy program provides a mix of basic skills and it includes courses to develop sensitivity to online safety and security. The first intermediate course teaches about different types of online content, and how to tell if a website is reliable. Modules include Online Content; Qualities of Good and Bad Content; Evaluating Online Content; Sharing Online Content; and a Knowledge Check.

The program is designed for those with little to no experience using computers, but it also incudes a range of topics helpful for boosting and tuning up digital literacy skills.

Please share this with friends or family who may need help. I’d be interested in hearing feedback from readers.

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