The case for DPI

XchangeXchange magazine has started a series on why DPI is necessary for operating networks.

In the first article, Karl Wale speaks of the need to integrate DPI in building 3G and LTE wireless data networks.

The story leads with a potential provocation:

Mobile broadband is set to explode, and the bottom line for maintaining service quality is this: DPI will be an integral part of 3G and LTE networks. It delivers tangible benefits to both operators and subscribers – despite negative publicity associated with it.

The author is a product line management director with Continuous Computing, a DPI company, so of course he is bullish on the need for the technology.

Read the article for a review of the technology motivators. As other articles in the series emerge, I’ll provide the links. Part II is supposed to be “DPI: Consumer Friend or Foe.

Update [July 20, 12:40 pm]
Part 2 is now available. DPI: Friend or Foe speaks of the challenges is managing disproportionate consumption by some users balanced against the general preference for flat-rate internet pricing plans.

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