Tom Evslin adds another voice to those who are on a lonely quest to try to partially tame the anarchy of the internet. In his entry, he notes that:
If the Internet is a law-free zone:
- Governments can do whatever they want there including spying and blocking. It’s naïve and illogical to think that governments are governed by law in a free fire zone when no one else is.
- Monopolies can do whatever they want including blocking competing services.
- Malicious people are free to attack not only other sites but the structure of the Internet itself including its routers and domain name servers.
- Threats, libel, and fraud gain immunity from investigation and prosecution by being carried out on the Internet.
- The Internet becomes a river in which any conspirator can wade to avoid the bloodhounds of law enforcement.
- There are no laws PROTECTING privacy in a law-free zone.
- SPAM is as legitimate as any other activity.
For a couple years now, I have been campaigning on a similar platform, especially concerned about Evslin’s item 5.
We’ll be looking at this issue in a special session at The Canadian Telecom Summit in June. Speakers include D/Sgt Paul Gillespie, one of the world’s leading experts in law enforcement tactics to combat child exploitation. You can also check out an earlier posting about this subject.