New feeds I follow

I have noticed a couple new blogs this summer that I have started to follow.

Jeff Wiener of Digitcom started The Telecom Blog in May and he has some interesting perspectives as the head of a company focussed on customer network implementation.

I also enjoy reading Michael Hennessy’s too infrequent rants [and his Dylanesque references] on When Dogs Ran Free.

Check out their sites; I am happy to hear about other voices with fresh and diverse thoughts.

Random thought for the day: I noticed that some of the people who want more legislation for internet regulation are the same ones who are saying that we have sufficient laws for copyright – that there is no evidence that the current laws don’t offer enough protection. Just saying.

Update [August 11, 7:30 pm]
I was correctly advised this evening that my aside comment should have distinguished between the issue of counterfeiting and copyright. The link points to a story that specifically deals with counterfeiting, shut down using trademark and copyright law.

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