The final word

I don’t always agree with the CRTC’s decisions and I know they don’t always agree with my views either. I have written before that the sign of a balanced decision is an equal level of kvetching from incumbents, new entrants and consumer groups.

The Cabinet’s decision to have the CRTC revisit their VoIP Decision is a return to the way these things are supposed to work. Cabinet provides policy direction and leaves it to the CRTC to figure out how to address the issue in regulatory terms. It may signal a change in the way the industry is going to operate.

New blogger Michael Urlocker is advising people and companies on recognizing and responding to disruptive changes; try to imagine the amount of change that has been required for the evolution of the CRTC within government organizational and budget constraints, including minority governments, with the level of technology and global regulatory change over the past 15 years. Look at the Commission’s 3 year plan and you see a very full agenda.

This year’s closing speaker at The Canadian Telecom Summit will be CRTC Chair Charles Dalfen. Industry Minister Maxime Bernier will be speaking the day before with a response to the Telecom Policy Review panel’s recommendations. With his term coming to an end at the end of the year, it is fitting that Chairman Dalfen will get to deliver the final word.

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