Like a traffic ticket

The CRTC has been coming under fire from various corners for not sharing the names of companies violating the telemarketing rules [see Star and CBC coverage].

The process that the Commission is using is somewhat akin to traffic court. So far, the telemarketers have been charged with a violation and have been handed “tickets” which allow them to pay or dispute the charges.

If they don’t pay, then the charges go to a panel of 3 Commissioners who will review the “traffic cop’s” evidence and hear from the accused – if the accused shows up. If no defense is presented, then the panel will determine whether the evidence is sufficient to reach a guilty verdict and then register the decision with the court for collection. Once the CRTC registers the decision with the courts, the names will be disclosed.

When do various legal processes get made public? Do traffic tickets get disclosed prior to a court date? What is the appropriate balance?

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