Operating on the fringe

TelehopWe have written before about how some companies are able to profitably identify niche opportunities in telecom and offer service to their customers.

Telehop, the company behind the $1 per call 10-10-620 service and the discount dial-around by-the-minute service 10-10-100, has announced advertiser-supported, free directory assistance.

Toronto HondaInitial advertising partners include Toronto Honda and Omni TV.

According to Telehop President Ruth Bartholomeusz,

The service works very much like normal directory assistance. Callers dial 10-10-620-0 or 10-10-100-0 and go through an automated system that will play an advertising message before they are asked for the location, type of listing and listing name.

Telehop (TSX-Venture: HOP) seems to be successful at identifying niche opportunities and offering value to customers, operating with no debt and growing steadily.

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