Saying goodbye to the summer

The week before Labour Day has always felt strange for me. It is the last week of summer vacation for most Canadian kids.

When I was a kid, we would try to cram so much joy into those last few days of freedom, while our parents would try to force us to face the more practical realities of checking on school supplies and arguing about whether we had suitable clothes to make a positive impression on the first day of classes. Those last few days of vacation never seemed to be filled with the same level of joy as the first few days, as we hummed Alice Cooper’s anthem to ourselves.

It has been years since I have been directly involved in getting myself or my kids ready for the start of the school year. Still, the arrival of cooler August evenings make me reflect on summer vacations as a kid and with my kids.

I hope you have been able to find time to get re-energized this summer.

In early July, I mentioned that this would be a less active summer for me on these pages as I tended to a few important family matters. It will be mid-to-late September before I can start to return to normalcy in my schedule. In the meantime, I have tried to stay on top of the biggest issues over the past couple months and share my independent perspectives on trends in Canada’s communications sector. Thank you for allowing me to indulge my family priorities.

Enjoy the last few days of summer. Thank you for your continued support.

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