Passion in the workplace

Canadian Thanksgiving Day thoughts.

Take a look at Kathy Sierra’s post Knocking the exuberance out of employees.

Her view: when asked, companies say they want bold, creative, smart, passionate and independent employees. But often, they actually hire (or develop) cautious, methodical, capable and obedient robots. You’ll enjoy her 16 reasons why robots are the best employees.

Her closing extends to behaviour at home:

And while I’m here… parents do this as well. Admit it. We have all wished that our children (for whom we worked so hard to instill a fierce independence) would be strong-willed, exuberant, questioning–everywhere but at home. I’ve never really wanted Skyler to be a robot, but oh how I’ve wished for a robot mode

Compare her post with Seth Godin’s 50:1. Variations on a theme.

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