Nortel targets municipal WiFi

In early September, we wrote about the challenges for Nortel as it looks at business units in which to invest resources for the future.

Nortel has announced that municipal WiFi will be one of those areas. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina has been selected as the home of Nortel’s municipal WiFi laboratory.

The lab focuses on research and development of broadband wireless solutions that will allow municipalities and operators to realize simplified introduction of new wireless services and applications to boost economic development, improve public safety and give citizens easier access to government services. The lab also gives Nortel a collaborative environment in which to fully test and integrate an expansive ecosystem of partners to provide municipal applications.

I can’t help but wonder if Toronto Hydro’s selection of technology from Siemens and BelAir Networks may have cost Canada the opportunity to host Nortel’s investment that favours the establishment of the lab in RTP. Will Nortel’s opportunities for municipal WiFi deployments be given a boost by its Government Solutions division (formerly PEC Solutions)?

More on Nortel’s WiFi plans is at Mark Evan’s All Nortel blog.

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