Bell Let’s Talk day is taking place January 31, 2018.
This year, the initiative is encouraging us to hear directly from people impacted by mental illness, talking in their own words; more than 40 people are listed, each one telling their story.
Each testimonial evokes a common message: What do people impacted by mental illness look like? Like any one of us. Mental health affects all of us.
It is a powerful collection: some are text; others combine text and video. Here is one example, Stephanie Richardson:
Tyler Simmonds says that when he was a rock bottom, a woman at the community mental health office looked at him and just gave him a hug, a small gesture that showed him that he was going to be OK.
As a member of Canada’s South-Asian community, where mental health issues can often be considered taboo, Shreya Patel speaks of the importance of removing the stigma:
One in five Canadians will suffer from mental illness at some point in their lifetime. One of the biggest hurdles for anyone suffering from mental illness is overcoming the stigma.
By attaching its brand to mental illness, Bell is helping to normalize the conversation around mental illness and raise awareness. Recent research has found that 4 in 5 Canadians are more aware of mental health issues than 5 years ago, 70% think attitudes about mental health have changed for the better, and over half believe the stigma around mental illness has been reduced.
On January 31, you can be part of the conversation and help, using Facebook, Twitter or other channels described here.