Winning the west with IPTV

MTS has announced an interesting feature for its MTS TV product: Photos on Demand, a service that lets you view a slide show of your own pictures on your TV screen.

MTS Consumer Markets President Kelvin Shepherd is quoted:

As Manitoba’s leading full-service communications provider, we constantly look at ways to bring our technologies together and create something new, exciting and convenient for our customers

Would I switch from cable just to have Photos on Demand? Probably not. But such decisions often aren’t made based on a single feature. Photos on Demand is more important as a demonstration of the types of innovations that can be provided by integration of IPTV. A little bit of new stuff here and there, customers will see that this is worth trying out.

Once again, we are seeing the west lead the way in IPTV.

Update: [November 30 3:25 pm]
I note the Videotron announcement today that it is adding 3 more French language HDTV channels to be the leader in French high definition programming. Videotron has further extended its HD reach by extending its network modernization program into the Quebec City region. We have often mentioned our view that rapid deployment of HDTV is a cable strategy to innoculate customers from IPTV. In any case, competition is continuing to deliver end user benefits.

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