Quebecor signals cellular ambitions

In the wake of Industry Minister Bernier’s announcement to overturn the CRTC’s local forbearance decision, Quebecor issued a statement that calls for further moves by the government to liberalize other communications sectors.

Pierre Karl Peladeau said:

we encourage the Government to follow its own logic by proceeding with the deregulation of the entire cable and broadcasting sectors as quickly as possible because, in our opinion, this could permit consumers to benefit from reduced cable bills.

The issue of regulatory symmetry for cable companies and telcos is familiar. At last June’s Canadian Telecom Summit, Robert Depatie spoke of the complex regulations that apply to the cable industry.

Quebecor Media also appears to be asking for the Government to put in place incentives for new entrants to offer mobile services. It says that it wants the phone companies to use their wide profit cellular margins to offer Canadians the latest technology and to lower prices for mobile wireless services.

Presently Canadians pay 60% more than Americans for mobile telephone service and do not have access to the same advanced technology available everywhere else in the world. This is unacceptable and can only be explained by the existence of a Canadian oligopoly that controls this business sector.

Once again, Videotron is proving that it is prepared to be a disruptive force in the converged telecom sector.

Robert Depatie, the president and CEO of Videotron, will be speaking at The Canadian Telecom Summit in June.

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