Telecom telemarketing

Two different 3rd party telemarketing companies called me yesterday evening, each caller representing a different telecom company.

Both calls had substantial delays connecting an agent to the line, once I answered. Both apologized for the delay, explaining that a computer does the dialing – really, I didn’t know about those predictive dialing things. One of them had a line that was filled with static. The other had a headset with a poorly positioned microphone. One call was from off-shore; the other domestic.

Don’t you think that companies selling telecom services should use technologies and agents that produce crystal clear, pindrop connections? If my time isn’t worth the cost of having your agents waiting for me to say hello, then you don’t value me enough as a customer.

If sales agents use equipment and connections that result in a less than perfect experience, do you really want to do business with that company?

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