iPhone flurry

iPhoneTraffic on this blog has settled down after the flurry of iPhone mania starting on Tuesday afternoon. I had 3-4 times the normal number of visitors.

Virtually all of the hits were looking for information about upon which Canadians network and when would the iPhone be available on the north side of the border.

Perhaps not coincidentally, there has been a dramatic increase in activity on Rogers (TSX: RCI) stock, up 10% from $35 to $38.50 in the 3 days since iPhone was launched, with a noticeable spike on Thursday.

Nice to have pent-up demand.

What does iPhone do to iPod sales in the interim? What are the implications on wireless churn with number portability approaching? How many users will wait on the sidelines for the arrival of iPhone? And will Comwave, with its iPhone branded VoIP service, play any role as a spoiler in delaying Apple’s iPhone in Canada?

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