All the lonely people…

UCalgaryA professor in the Faculty of Communication and Culture at University of Calgary has released a book studying the blogging phenomenon. In Blogosphere: The New Political Arena, Dr. Michael Keren asks if blogging creates new political force, or simply a gathering place for the powerless.

The U of C press release speaks to the challenge of filtering through the hyperbole commonly found in user-created content:

Bloggers have compared their writing and ideas to the great conquests in history, yet despite their excessive use of words, they conquer nothing. In the blogosphere, the death of an aging cat is on the same emotional level as an earthquake in Pakistan.

Hmmm. There are certainly millions of blogs that fit into that category. I’m not sure the description fits all of us.

I like to think of this blog as providing some unique insights on the telecom industry. Maybe a teaser here and there to stimulate you and maybe even help encourage you to pick up the phone to engage a consultant or register for The Canadian Telecom Summit.

But I may be wrong. According to the university’s press release,

The lonely people come from every country, profession and ethnicity and they belong in cyberspace, or more accurately, the isolated, lonely world of weblogs.

I’m stepping out for a few hours. I’m going to go pick up my friend Eleanor. You’ll be able to find us picking up rice in the church where a wedding has been.

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