Talk, talk, talk

One of the commenters on my posting last week about Parliament’s INDU Committee asked

Why were the Conservatives opposed to the Committee conducting an in-depth study of the issue of deregulating telecommunications and reporting back to the House of Commons? Do they have something to hide?

I can’t speak on behalf of the Conservatives. But I can speak as a taxpayer. I think we already paid for that ‘in-depth study’ – it was called the Telecom Policy Review – and it was a non-partisan project, launched by a Liberal government and delivered to this minority Conservative government.

Maybe the Conservatives opposed the Committee expending time and energy studying something that we collectively paid experts to study. Having members of the industry summoned to Ottawa to testify on matters that have already been extensively reviewed.

I would find it comforting to see leadership from our elected officials (from all parties) – leadership that drives the INDU Committee to focus on studying the legislative changes needed to implement the study that they already have in hand.

Enough talking about telecom reform. Anybody else ready for some action?

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