Happy New Year

By every measure, today, New Year’s Eve day, is an incredibly light traffic day. Traffic is less than 15% of a normal Sunday. I hope that explains why I didn’t put a new posting up earlier.

I do want to extend my best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to all my readers.

I hope that I can continue to provide some insights and stimulate some debate and discussion about important telecommunications issues in the coming year.

I started blogging in February of 2006, inspired by the blog that my daughter kept as a record of her year abroad. She used the public diary to keep a record of her experiences, set out her political views and as a means to keep in touch with family and friends around the world. That power of the medium is what interests me most about blogging and I hope you will join in the discussion.

All the best. I’ll be back with substance to read while you enjoy your New Year’s Day bowl games.

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