Ensuring a strong, internationally competitive telecom industry

More than 8 years ago, on March 22, 2006, the Telecom Policy Review Panel delivered its report (pdf) to the Minister of Industry.

The panel had been created a year earlier, charge with responsibility:

to review Canada’s telecommunications policy framework and recommend on how to modernize it to ensure that Canada has a strong, internationally competitive telecommunications industry that delivers world-class services for the economic and social benefit of all Canadians.

In the report, Recommendation 9-4 called for legislation requiring the creation of periodic refreshers:

The Minister of Industry should be mandated by legislation to undertake a comprehensive review of telecommunications policy and regulation every five years.

Although this recommendation did not result in legislation, many would agree that we are long overdue.

Perhaps it is time now for a fresh look “to ensure that Canada has a strong, internationally competitive telecommunications industry that delivers world-class services for the economic and social benefit of all Canadians”.

2 thoughts on “Ensuring a strong, internationally competitive telecom industry”

  1. Government has to mandate changes upon the advice of professionals in the field and responses from the public. Private enterprise, like the BIG THREE hold back on competition because it is not theoretically in tune with their mandate of making a profit. My husband is in the business and says government regulations are the key to change. The BIG THREE don’t want anybody to share their pie with but hey that’s the big secret they don’t let you in on.

  2. GeoTel Communications

    Canada has been struggling to receive strong Internet connection, and enforcing a strong telecommunications industry would help solve this issue.

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