Driving rural mobile quality

As I have discussed before, the government’s telecom policy priorities have been for quality, coverage and affordable prices.

Mobile prices have fallen more than the benchmark of 25% over two years set by the current government.

A new study from independent mobile analytics firm Opensignal indicates strong performance and service availability, even outside urban areas.

As a CWTA press release states, the Opensignal report “shows that mobile video, gaming, and voice app experience in cottage country is on par with the national experience.”

Opensignal reports that users in cottage country have strong network access across Canada, being connected to 4G or 5G 93.3% of the time (just 1.4% lower than the national average).

An analysis by CWTA of recent Opensignal Market Insights reports shows the average 4G download speed for Canada’s cottage country (52.9 Mpbs) is faster than the national average download speeds across all network connections for each of the other G7 countries, plus Australia.

Despite the challenges of deploying world-class mobile networks across Canada’s large geography, harsh terrain and low population density, the wireless industry continues to invest billions of dollars to expand and enhance mobile services across the country, including rural communities, as reported by Opensignal.

That investment continues to move the yardsticks ahead on the policy priorities: quality, coverage and affordable prices.

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