The future of the internet

A number of times over the past two years, I have promoted the webinar series from the International Telecommunications Society. There is a very special session coming up in a few weeks, and I encourage you to register early.

Vint Cerf, one of the leading creators of the earliest foundations of the internet, will be speaking about “The Future of the Internet”, looking at policy issues that have arisen with the growth of the internet and its new applications, and looking ahead to the future impact and implications of the online world.

The session is being hosted by TELUS and Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto.

The future of the internet is the future of humanity. What was once a tool, is now an inescapable part of our lives and livelihoods. It is ever more ubiquitous and complex, consistently creating challenges for which there are no easy answers. From fake news and deepfakes to privacy and data protection, the internet has created wicked problems alongside its immense potential to continue transforming humanity.

Where once the job of an internet evangelist may have been to persuade people of the value of getting online, now their job is to persuade us that the torrent of online challenges is not only surmountable, but that the answer is more connectivity, not less.

The one hour session will take place at 9:00am (Eastern) on April 12, 2022 and there is no charge. Register today!

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