Ongoing disruption

Last week, I wrote about a disruptive approach to TV to better enable telcos to compete against cable providers. We note Cisco’s acquisition of Arroyo Video Solutions on Monday, which will enable Cisco to play in the IPTV space.

On Monday, Mike Urlocker took a look at another approach to disruptive video distribution, JumpTV, in a column in the National Post and on his blog.

Currently, JumpTV is establishing exclusive relationships with the content providers. It might help them to develop distribution agreements with telcos. That might be what is needed to allow the service to jump to the big leagues, providing real IPTV. There would be benefits for both parties, giving the telco a much needed differentiator from being a cable me-too.

We’ll want to watch these guys. As Mike says in his Post article: “Typically, successful disruptors don’t get the strategy right the first time.

Will JumpTV be able to take the leap into the major leagues?

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